24 March 2011

SNAKEPIT 13 [by Ben]

Snakepit is one of my all-time favourite zines.  It is made up of 3-panelled comic strips that describe each day of the life of Ben, a punk-rock stoner.  His drawings are hilarious and his life is a series of playing punk shows, dating cute girls, working at a video store, and alternating between getting really drunk or really high while watching movies and hanging out with friends.

What makes Snakepit amazing is Ben's imagery.  When he's 'chilling out,' he draws himself in a parka.  Sometimes his face is a vacuum when he's eating food and other times his guitar is blowing him a raspberry because he's not playing very well.  I also love when he draws himself at parties.  He fills the background with monsters and aliens as his fellow party-goers.  Here is an example:

For anthologies of Snakepit - which I own and are totally worth reading - go to Microcosm.